Anything is possible when you design & build your dream home sauna with ELU!

Welcome to our premier destination for all things sauna! Indulge in the ultimate relaxation experience with our luxurious home saunas.  Whether you're seeking the ultimate relaxation experience or aiming to enhance your wellness routine, our comprehensive range of indoor and outdoor saunas has you covered. Transform your space into a serene retreat and unwind in the comfort of your own home. Step into a world of tranquility with our meticulously crafted traditional saunas designed to transport you to pure bliss.

At the core of our offerings is a commitment to unmatched quality, with the finest sauna heaters ensuring peak performance and longevity. With a wealth of experience in the sauna industry, we take pride in providing top-notch solutions for your home sauna requirements. Whether you envision an indoor sanctuary or an outdoor oasis, our seasoned team is equipped with the design and installation skills to seamlessly bring your vision to life. Concerned about the technical aspects? Be at ease, our professional electricians are here to manage every step of the process, ensuring a seamless and stress-free journey from start to finish.

Handcrafted from the finest red Canadian cedar, our sauna kits not only offer superior durability but also an undeniable aesthetic appeal. With effortless assembly and exceptional customer service at the forefront of our mission, we're dedicated to making your sauna journey as smooth and enjoyable as possible. So why delay? Enhance your home with the opulence of a sauna retreat today.

  • Shop Outdoor Pre-Fab Saunas

    Immerse yourself in the serene embrace of nature with our pre-fab outdoor saunas, thoughtfully designed and meticulously crafted in Estonia from thermo spruce. Sourced from the lush forests of Estonia, thermo spruce boasts exceptional durability and natural resistance to the elements, ensuring longevity and reliability in any outdoor setting. Each sauna is a testament to Estonian craftsmanship, blending traditional techniques with modern innovation to create a sanctuary of relaxation and wellness. With their easy assembly and superior quality, our pre-fab outdoor saunas offer the perfect retreat for embracing the rejuvenating power of the great outdoors, elevating your outdoor living experience to new heights of comfort and tranquility.

  • Custom sauna design with Huum heater

    Design Your Sauna

    Experience luxury and sophistication with our custom sauna design featuring Western Red Canadian Cedar. Meticulously crafted to your specifications, our custom saunas offer a unique blend of timeless elegance and superior functionality. Western Red Canadian Cedar, known for its exquisite aroma and natural resistance to decay and insects, creates an ambiance of unparalleled tranquility and relaxation. Whether you envision a cozy retreat for personal indulgence or a lavish entertainment space for guests, our expert craftsmen will bring your vision to life with precision and finesse. Elevate your home with a bespoke sauna masterpiece, where every detail reflects your style and enhances your well-being. With our custom sauna design, the ultimate luxury is yours to enjoy day after day.

  • Pre-Fab Cedar Sauna. Easy to assemble. Great for Home Use.

    Shop Indoor Pre-Fab Saunas

    Step into the epitome of convenience and luxury with our pre-fab indoor cedar saunas. Crafted from the finest Canadian Western Red Cedar, these saunas offer a perfect blend of durability, aesthetics, and functionality. Designed for easy assembly and installation, they effortlessly integrate into any home space, transforming it into a personal wellness sanctuary. With their sleek and contemporary design, our pre-fab indoor cedar saunas exude timeless elegance while providing the ultimate relaxation experience. Whether you're seeking to unwind after a long day or rejuvenate your mind and body, our pre-fab indoor cedar saunas offer the perfect solution for modern living.

    Shop Now 
  • Shop Cold Tubs

    Dive into the refreshing world of cold tubs and unlock many benefits for your mind, body, and soul. Cold tubs offer many advantages, designed to provide a refreshing contrast to the heat of your sauna sessions or a standalone revitalizing experience. The rejuvenating effects of cold immersion are unmatched, from reducing inflammation and accelerating muscle recovery to boosting circulation and enhancing mental clarity. Our premium cold tubs are crafted with quality and durability in mind, ensuring years of blissful indulgence. Don't just settle for ordinary relaxation—embrace the extraordinary with a cold tub and embark on a journey to vibrant health and unparalleled wellness. Join the cold tub revolution today and experience the transformative power of chilling out.



ELU – Saunas & Cold Tubs was founded on the key principles of Heat-Cold-Breath, and the power they possess when incorporated into regular practice. Combined together, these essential tools allow you to live optimally and truly experience a life of vitality.

It is no secret that the norms of society have pushed us into bouts of toxic stress resulting in chronic inflammation and various auto-immune disorders. ELU prides itself on supporting individuals as they combat these norms, offering the opportunity to strengthen the mind & body and build resilience throughout.


I’m Adam, the owner of ELU and I know all too well about these daily stressors and the impact they can have on our health and well-being. I always led an active lifestyle playing numerous sports all my life, went to the gym regularly and had a consistent yoga practice. However, despite leading what I thought was a healthy life, I was battling stress and frustration on a regular basis. Eventually the stress piled up, and by December 2020 it reached its breaking point where my body shut down. With no previous warnings, over the next five weeks, piece by piece, I fell apart, literally. I lost feeling in all my extremities, lost complete vision in one eye, and lost control of my bodily functions. After five weeks of the wheels falling off, I was checked into the emergency and spent the next 5 nights in the hospital where I was administered steroids and underwent a variety of tests and scans.  Four months, four neurologists and four hospitals later, it was determined that at the age of 29 I had Multiple Sclerosis. In short, MS is an auto-immune disorder and degenerative disease that attacks the central nervous system (brain & spinal cord).

Since this revelation, I sought out alternative therapies that would support my new reality, in addition to other lifestyle changes.  It was during this journey that I discovered the power of Heat-Cold-Breath, and the impact that they can have on physical and mental well-being. They were the perfect solution to help manage my new existence. Together, these natural processes form a powerful disease fighting tool box that strengthens & supports immune system function, lowers cortisol and reduces stress, reduces chronic inflammation, releases unwanted toxins, builds physical and mental resilience, calms the nervous system, improves sleep patterns, and enhances overall mood. I am now once again able to lead a physical and active lifestyle with no limitations, and have found a new calmness in my mental state that has allowed me to better navigate the daily stressors we all experience. This regular practice of Heat-Cold-Breath has given me control over my condition and has allowed me to prosper and live in vitality like never before.

“Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • Heat Exposure Therapy. Science Based Results.


    Enhance your immune system, reduce stress, detoxify your skin with heat exposure therapy!

  • Cold Immersion Therapy. Science Based Results.


    Reduce inflammation, build mental resilience, boost your metabolism with cold immersion therapy.


Be The Change You Want To See

The state of our health is not black and white; however, it is evident that auto-immune disorders have been increasing over the last few decades, and our overall immune function and auto-immune disease are complex topics. That being said, we believe in the resilience of one's body and the power of one's mind, and once we understand that improvements in our essential body systems can happen thanks to natural processes, we can take steps towards building a solid foundation for health.

The applications of deliberate heat and cold exposure, combined with mindful breathing techniques can help fight the progression of autoimmune diseases by bringing our body back into the calm part of our nervous system, the parasympathetic nervous system.

Together these practices form a powerful disease-fighting box of tools, that will lower cortisol levels, lower blood pressure, improve the autonomic response to physical & mental stress, and improve arterial blood flow. Incorporating these elements into everyday life is integral to health and wellbeing, and allows one's life to be dictated by their abilities rather than their inabilities.