Is Sauna Good for Post Nasal Drip?

Is Sauna Good for Post Nasal Drip?

Post nasal drip, that relentless trickle of mucus down the back of your throat, can be a bothersome symptom of a common cold or allergies. It often leads to throat irritation, coughing, and general discomfort. While there are various remedies and treatments available, some people wonder “is sauna good for post nasal drip?”. 

In this article, we'll explore the potential benefits of saunas for alleviating post nasal drip and cold-related congestion.

Does Sauna Help With Congestion?

Saunas are known for their therapeutic effects on the body, including relaxation, improved circulation, and detoxification through sweating. They can also reduce the risk of respiratory diseases.

These benefits might lead you to believe that they can also help with congestion and postnasal drip. Let’s explore this further.

Can You Sweat Out a Cold?

Woman laying in sauna

So, is a sauna good for a cold? While saunas can make you sweat, which may help expel toxins and provide some relief, they don't actually cure the cold virus responsible for your symptoms.

Cold viruses need to run their course, and saunas won't directly eliminate them from your system. However, saunas can be a complementary therapy that provides comfort and eases some symptoms.

How Does Steam Help a Stuffy Nose?

Traditional saunas generate steam by heating rocks, and the steam can help moisturize your nasal passages and throat. This moisture can temporarily relieve congestion, making it easier to breathe.

However, it's essential to note that this relief is often short-lived and may not address the underlying cause of your cold or postnasal drip.

Do Infrared Saunas Relieve Cold Symptoms?

Woman posing in sauna

Infrared saunas, which use radiant heat, have gained popularity for their potential health benefits. Unlike traditional saunas, infrared saunas heat your body directly instead of heating the air around you. This heat penetrates deeper into your body and can induce a sweat response even at lower temperatures.

Some studies have suggested that infrared therapy may enhance the immune response and reduce inflammation. In particular, far-infrared therapy has shown promise in boosting the immune system's ability to combat infections and reduce inflammation.

One study observed that near-infrared treatment led to significant improvement in allergy symptoms in participants over just one week. Infrared therapy seems to produce these benefits without the side effects commonly associated with medications.

Can I Use the Sauna When Sick?

Woman drinking water

Using a sauna when you have a cold or postnasal drip is generally safe, but it's crucial to use caution and listen to your body.

If you are currently experiencing flu or cold symptoms, we ask that you please reschedule your appointment at ELU to protect the safety of others.

However, if you choose to use a private sauna while sick, consider the following safety measures:

Stay Hydrated

Saunas can cause you to lose fluids through sweating, so be sure to drink plenty of water before and after your session to stay hydrated.

Limit Session Duration

Keep your sauna sessions relatively short to prevent overheating or dehydration. Aim for 15-20 minutes at a time.

Avoid High Temperatures

While traditional sauna temperatures usually range from 70-90°C (160-194°F), we suggest setting your sauna to a lower temperature to minimize stress on your body. 

Check in With Your Body

If you start to feel lightheaded, dizzy, or uncomfortable, exit the sauna immediately and cool down.

How to Stop Post Nasal Drip

While saunas may offer temporary relief from post nasal drip and congestion, consider using saline nasal sprays. They can help moisturize and clear nasal passages.

Additionally, antihistamines and decongestants may provide short-term relief, but use them as directed.

Post Nasal Drip Home Remedies

Oil Diffuser

In addition to sauna therapy and traditional medicine, there are several home remedies you can try to alleviate post nasal drip:

Use a Humidifier

You don’t need to visit ELU to experience the health benefits of wet saunas. Using a humidifier will add moisture to the air in your home, which can ease congestion and soothe your throat.

Stay Hydrated

As with any illness, staying hydrated is key for recovery. Drinking ample fluids helps thin mucus, making it easier to clear from your throat.

Gargling with Salt Water

If you have a sore throat, you can try gargling salt water which can also help reduce post nasal drip.

Warm Compress

Applying a warm compress to your sinus area can provide short-term relief from your symptoms.

Elevate Your Head

When experiencing any form of respiratory illness, sleeping upright or with your head elevated can help. Sleeping with your head elevated may prevent mucus from pooling in your throat.

Spicy Foods

A tasty way to find relief from congestion is by consuming spicy foods. They naturally help clear nasal passages. However, if you have a sore throat, you may want to wait before indulging in spicy foods.


Lastly, give your body the time it needs to heal by getting enough rest and sleep.

Conclusion: Is Sauna Good for Post Nasal Drip?

In conclusion, saunas, especially infrared saunas, may provide some relief from the discomfort associated with post nasal drip and common cold symptoms. They offer temporary relief by easing congestion and soothing the throat.

It’s important to remember that saunas don't cure the underlying causes of cold viruses or allergies. However, regular sauna therapy can be a complementary approach to managing these conditions. It can be a part of your holistic approach to improving your health.

If you're ready to add heat or cold therapy to your wellness routine, contact us today!

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